Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2016

Lake Lure, North Carolina
Like many of you, I'll be spending these next few days celebrating Thanksgiving with family from far and near: my mom, siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews, including a nephew we haven't seen in a few years. We're looking forward to a few relaxing days of catching up, telling stories, and, well, eating way too much. 

I woke up early this morning, made some coffee and watched the sun rise over the NC mountains. It gave me time to read back issues of Our State magazine and become filled with thanks for our beautiful state.

In the October issue is an article about Salisbury, loaded with names and references that are so very familiar.

It reminded me of how blessed we are to live in this uniquely beautiful part of the world and at how blessed we are to be at St. John's. Thank you for your partnership, your passion for ministry, and your drive to make our community a better place. 

On this quiet mountain morning, I'm filled with thanks for lots of things, including you. May God bless you and keep you in his grace. 

And if that includes some yummy sweet potato casserole or chocolate pie, then all the better.

Pastor Rhodes