Take last weekend's hatred and bigotry on display in Charlottesville. Their stated intent was/is to undermine the fabric of civil society through the use of ignorance, fear, and violence. Front and center were small clans of extremists from throughout the country who are loaded down with anger and hatred. It's time to start calling it what it is: racially motivated domestic terrorism.
I wish we could do a control-alt-delete and wipe them from our collective memory banks. Sadly, it's not that easy.
How are Christians to respond? First, make no excuses or political justification for the evil that was on display. Jesus tells us to "love our neighbor" without restriction. Why is that hard to understand?
Secondly, we should heed Paul's advice in Romans 12:21 when he writes: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Third, come to the Table. I'm serious. The Lord's Table is a potent reminder/symbol of how inescapably we are bound to Christ and to each other, no matter how many other differences we embody. There is no room for prejudice or racism or hatred at the Lord's Table, only a common movement to hold out empty hands and say, "We are nothing, O Lord, without you."
The world desperately needs us (you and me) to bear witness to God's love, grace, justice, and mercy. We need not stand idly by, but give rise to Martin Luther King's cry to turn our "thin words into thick action."
Without our determined response, friends, we'll see more of the same. Let's do our best to put an end to this nonsense by bearing Christ's light in this darkened world. Who's with me?