Last Sunday after church we sprinted to Lake Lure, to a little cabin my parents built years ago -- a favorite place for respite and regrouping.
Since Carter and Matt were gone for the summer and would be returning to college this weekend, we knew that this was the only chance we'd have to all be together. It was great to reconnect and hear all the stories of summers well-spent. Before we knew it, moments had turned to hours and the afternoon had become the evening. We certainly didn't tell all the stories there were to tell, but we heard lots of highlights ... and lots of funny tales.
I joked that by the end of that first night, my rear end had left a permanent imprint on the outdoor couch. (Sorry about that, mom!) But I can't think of a better way to unwind and reconnect with the most important things in life.
A blessed gift from God was the gift of rest. When he invited us into the joy of work, it's interesting that he does so on the 8th day of creation, AFTER we are fully rested (the 7th day). We work from our rest, not the other way around.
I hope this summer has afforded you the opportunity to rest, regroup, reflect and enjoy time with those you love. Know that God has enjoyed that time with you, fully present in your presence with one another.
See you around the neighborhood, my friends :)