Thursday, May 16, 2019

Growing old .. and red wine

My favorite news magazine is The Week, a summary of news articles and commentaries from around the world. This week they shared a report from National Geographic about the secrets of longevity. Researchers pinpointed five areas -- called Blue Zones -- where residents made it to their 100th birthday at 10 times the rate of the general US population. Places like Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Ikaria, Greece; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Loma Linda, California.

We would all do well to look closely at what researches say are the nine most important contributing factors: keeping physically active, maintaining a sense of purpose, taking time to relax/play, avoid overeating, plant-based diets, close family ties, socializing, drinking wine (1 or 2 glasses a day), and participating in a faith-based community.

Well there you have it. If you've ever wondered why you should come to church, now you know. Well, let's just claim it as "yet another reason." Staying active in your church, researchers tell us, cultivates a sense of purpose, protects against cognitive decline, boosts happiness, and may well be the secret to longevity.

It's all in the data. Oh, and a glass or two of red wine can't hurt.

Don't you just love working in God's Garden?