Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Waiting at the DMV

As I write this note, I’m sitting in the DMV office waiting to renew my driver’s license. 45 minutes in, I’m trying to find ways to occupy my time.

Within this 8 x 12 waiting area sit 19 people from all walks of life, each of us consumed by our own thoughts, living in our own little universe. One lady I recognize from the CDC. Otherwise, I don’t know a soul. No one is talking. Most are staring straight ahead. One older gentleman is asleep. Others are looking into their phones, lost in the pages of Facebook or Instagram. I’m pretty sure they have no clue I’m writing about them. 

In Luke’s gospel, Jesus approaches Jerusalem on a day we call Palm Sunday. The closer he gets, the louder the crowds become, crowds that just a few months earlier had been silent, lost in their own world of personal, daily concerns. When the Pharisees told Jesus to quiet the crowds, he said “If they keep quiet, the stones would begin to shout.”

What do we need to shout about today? What deserves our utmost attention?

Let’s not leave the gospel in the hands of stones. God needs us to stand up and shout! ..... although, admittedly, this lady sitting next to me might get a little nervous if I do.

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