Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Consecration Sunday

Consecration Sunday | September 28, 2016

This Sunday is Consecration Sunday, when our members and friends make pledges to support the mission and ministry of the church. 

Consecration Sunday is a bit different than previous campaigns. In fact, it's not a campaign at all. You may have noticed that you haven't seen a 2017 budget or goals for the coming year. In the past, we've tried to motivate your giving by explaining exactly how much is needed to meet the ministry goals of the church. 

This year's approach is a bit different and, to be honest, much more biblically-rooted. We're inviting you to give because, well, it's important to give. It's an important part of being a disciple because it invites all of us into the shared task of advancing the kingdom and caring for our neighbor. 

The tithe is a good example. God instituted the tithe as a gift to his people, not a burden. The tithe helps us better manage our resources, welcomes us into the joy of shared ministry, and teaches us to trust God more than we trust our own resources. The promise of the tithe is simple: "God will provide." The tithe teaches us to trust God's promise. 

I hope you'll join us this Sunday. Pastor John Propst is our special guest and the catered brunch will be down-right scrumptious. At the conclusion of worship you'll be asked to complete a pledge card and place it at the foot of the altar.
At the end of the day, your decision to give is between you and God. We trust that the Holy Spirit will guide and direct us in the decisions we make as together we Consecrate our gifts and our lives to His glory. 

Pastor Rhodes