I'm wearing red today in honor of our teachers.

Outside of parents, teachers have the most influence on a child's life. Because of some home situations, the teacher is even more influential than a parent. There's no doubt, then, that the future of our community is dependent upon good teaching from well-qualified teachers, just as the future of our community's health is dependent upon well-qualified health professionals.
With that in mind, surely we can agree that a well-trained, motivated, highly-engaged, intelligent, appropriately-paid core of teachers is critical for our students' success and necessary for our community's future.
So let's begin there, by honoring the teaching profession for what it is: a committed, professional core of men and women who have dedicated their lives to the future of our students and community.
I've heard legislators make a lot of critical comments about teachers these last few days. That's not a very good way to begin a conversation. I'd rather see these same legislators walk alongside teachers today, setting aside all the politicizing, demonizing and grandstanding that has dominated the debate for far too long.
Let's start this new legislative session by honoring our teachers. It's a great place to begin.
Thanks for your work in God's garden today. I'll see you in church.