Every 9 seconds, someone is physically abused. 

1 out of every 3 women have been physically abused at some point in their lives. 1 of 7 have been stalked to the point of fearing for their safety.
Let those numbers sink in for a second. They equate to 10 million US abuse victims annually. It's a frightening reality that affects every community and all people regardless of age, socio-economic status, race, or nationality. Perhaps you are one of the ones reflected in these numbers.
This Sunday at 4:00, the downtown clergy are sponsoring a "Break the Silence" service for all victims of violence and abuse. The service will be held at Hood Seminary and include scripture readings, song, reflection and testimonies.
For many victims, their abuse has been "silent." Far too many have been afraid to let anyone know about their past either for fear of retaliation, embarrassment, or worry that they will be labeled. "Break the Silence" gives space for voices to be heard and wounds to be healed.
I'll be a part of the service and would certainly invite your participation if it would be meaningful to you. Or perhaps this idea simply brings up a difficult reminder of your past/hurt. Please know that St. John's is a place where we gather to be healed -- a place of hope, of balm for our wounds, and a loving reminder that we are made new again by a God who dares to walk with us into those very dark places.
Blessings to you during this second week of Easter. Christ is alive! The tomb is empty. There is hope for tomorrow :)
Pastor Rhodes