Reformation 2016

Happy 500th anniversary!
Well, not quite yet ... but beginning this Sunday we'll begin a year-long celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. And what a celebration it will be!
Incredibly St. John's has been around for more than half of these 500 years. As the third oldest Lutheran church in North Carolina and the founding church of the NC Synod, our roots run deep in this community and in American Lutheranism.
So how do we celebrate? Oh, let me count the ways ..... Let's begin with a festival service of celebration this Sunday at the 11:00 service. The service will include The Reformation Brass, a fantastic new anthem offered by our Chancel Choir, Bishop Tim Smith presiding at Holy Communion, and Martin Luther himself (really!). If you're a 9:27 worship-goer, you'll enjoy the Reformation story retold in dramatic fashion.
During the year to come we'll welcome the Lenoir-Rhyne A Capella Choir in concert, the Salisbury Symphony will perform "The Reformation Symphony" in our sanctuary, and next October we're co-producing with the Piedmont Players and the repertory theater group of Saxe Gotha, Germany, the world premier of "In God's Own Country," a play that captures the early history of Lutheranism in America. Also to look forward to: the grand opening of our new museum, the only professional quality museum that tells the story of Lutheranism in North Carolina.
There's much to celebrate, to be sure. But the best way of celebrating is by joining in worship and giving thanks for the opportunity God has given us to serve as his church in our community.
So pull out your party hats and let's celebrate! I'll see you in worship.
Pastor Rhodes