That's hard, isn't it? I mean, trust is a scarce commodity these days. It's easy to lift up our federal government as an example, but the same is true for public institutions, schools, police, even each other. Our default is not to trust unless trust is proven, but even then suspicion and cynicism keep us from fully trusting others.
What does it look like to trust fully in God? What difference does it make? That's where Psalm 23 comes to mind: "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of darkness/death ...." As I walk, not IF I walk. "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." Our trust in God removes fear and trembling, bringing us to a place of peace, shalom, joy.
We are better when we dare to trust -- in God and in one another. What a powerful message that would be for our elected officials. What a life-changing message that would be for you and me.